Five things you need to see on the Isle of Skye in Scotland!

  • Number one: Neist Point Lighthouse

    Number one: Neist Point Lighthouse

    This place is really wonderful and the view makes you speechless. Neist Point is a small peninsula with the white / yellow Neist Point Lighthouse on it. Neist Point forms the most western point of Isle of Skye. Shortly before Neist Point there is a parking lot where you have to leave the car, the rest has to be run. The partially 100-meter high cliff offers a perfect view over the sea and with a bit of luck you can see seals, dolphins and even whales in addition to seabirds. Unfortunately, we did not have that luck, but the sunset was enough for us because it was breathtaking.

    Do not expect that you are alone there, this place is also very popular with other travelers. Actually, the other people do not disturb you and you will find a place on the cliffs where you can relax and have a picnic or just enjoy the view. A little annoying are the people with drones. I find the drone shots often beautiful, but unfortunately the small planes are not noiseless. But do not let that spoil your mood. Neist Point Lighthouse is absolutely worth a visit and one of the most wonderful places on Isle of Skye.

  • Number two: Fairy Pools

    Number two: Fairy Pools

    The Fairy Pools are a place on Isle of Skye where fairies live. Sounds funny, but you can imagine it when you see the beauty of the natural pools, cascades and waterfalls. The Fairy Pools are located at the foot of the Black Cuillins, very close to Glenbrittle. It is the river Brittle that fills the pools with the crystal clear water. The area with the fairy pools is beautiful and therefore very popular with hikers. The brave ones throw themselves into the icy waters, the others just enjoy nature.

  • Number three: Sligachan Old Bridge

    Number three: Sligachan Old Bridge

    I often saw the Sligachan Old Bridge as a motif on Instagram before our trip. But we had never planned to drive there specially. Like so often with Instagram, I could not find out much about this beautiful bridge. When we accidentally drove past her, of course, we stopped and looked at the stone bridge up close. The unspoilt bridge was built around 1820 and consists of 3 arches. It leads across the Sligachan River.  With the rugged mountains in the background it forms a beautiful typical Scottish postcard motif and for photography fans it is a must stop there and enjoy the view.

  • Number four: Mealt Falls and Kilt Rock

    Number four: Mealt Falls and Kilt Rock

    Even those damned little bloodsucking beasts who are really annoying couldn´t spoil this place. A waterfall that falls about 55 meters into the roaring Scottish Sea, that's something special. You step on a semicircular platform and look over the railing, only then you can see the waterfall plunge into the depths. Mealt Fall is not the only attraction at this point. The Kilt Rock is another special feature. It has its name because of its similarity to the tartan pattern of the Kilt. Blame for this unusual rock formation are volcanic activities. About 60 million years ago, lava was constantly flowing between sandstone and cooled. That created the pattern. I give up for a long time I thought Kilt Rock is so called because the cliffs look as if they were folded like a kilt. I found my explanation plausible and now I have a reason to visit Kilt Rock again because I have not seen the tartan pattern before. Just make yourself a picture of it and I wish you as few tourists as possible, which hide the view of the roaring sea and the cliffs.

  • Number five: Duntulm Castle

    Number five: Duntulm Castle

    A Scottish castle was built classically high on a cliff. Under it only the roaring sea and no attacker who can take the castle. Duntulm Castle is such a castle or better it must have been, because only a few walls are left of the castle. As I sat on the cliff and looked up to the castle, I could well imagine how heroically it once stood on the rock. Duntulm Castle belonged to the Clan MacDonald of Sleat, who built the fortification on a basalt rock in the 14th century. Duntulm Castle is in very poor shape today. There are only ruins left of the fortifications and buildings. The terrain is closed and fenced, as the remains of the outer walls along with the cliffs threaten to plunge into the sea.

    To look at the sea from the cliffs has something meditative and it becomes a great experience when a curious seal occasionally sticks its head out of the water and watches the people ashore.